Avis du vol entre Frankfurt et Oslo en classe Affaires avec Lufthansa


LH - Lufthansa

Vol effectué le 10 février 2022
10:25 02h 00m 12:25
Appareil Airbus A320
Classe Affaires
Siege 02A
865 · 75 · 2 · 4

to start with

Together with a fellow french Flight-Report, Chevelan, we had decided to head to Alaska in December to see the northern lights. Unfortunately they weren't out, so we agreed to try our luck again in February this year but closer : to Tromsø

transit in fra

After the bus ride I went straight to the SEN lounge:

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I had a small issue as when checking in I could not obtain my boarding pass to TOS. Transfers in Norway are often a mess, and I went to the lounge service desk to get it.
I had the feeling she had better things to do and she just typed a bit on her keyboard and answers there is nothing she can do.
I politely ask again if she could give it a second try since it would really be helpful with my short connection.
She answers that I have anyway to pick up my suitcase and recheck it in. And I'll get my boarding pass by then.
I told her that it was exactly fort this matter that I didn't check in any bag. She closes the discussion and says there is nothing she will do anymore and tells me to see with the Service Center in the main hall.
At that point I was really angry and told her that if the regular Service Center can help me and her, sitting in a "reserved for Senator" desk couldn't they will have to better switch position.
I then went out of the lounge and went to it.
Lots of people for police controls:

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Fortunately there wasn't any queue at the Service Center and I was greeted by a friendly agent that asks me how he can help. I explain the sorry and told me that the "wonderful" lady at the Senator Desk couldn't/wanted to anything.
He smiles, types a bit on his keyboard and hands me my boarding pass from Oslo to Tromsø. He said sometimes it just requires a bit of goodwill :)
I thank him a lot and we both wish us all the best.

back to the senator lounge

The lady at the entrance recognizes me and I can re-enter easily and went straight to the Service Desk were the "wonderful" lady was playing with her smartphone. I didn't wanted to make it a big story but I simply said "Remember me? Here is the boarding pass OSL/TOS you were not able to print. Your colleague at the Service Desk was able. I suggested him to take your seat".
I didn't let her time to answer and went away.
Back into the lounge:

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The lounge was super quiet:

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I decided to take a seat here:

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The hard drinks of the buffet:

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Fruits and muessli:

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Junk "food":

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Eggs and beans:

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And chives:

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Breads and cold cuts:

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The FIDS with my flight:

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And the BP I had to fight for :)

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I just had a chocolate and some water:

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the flight

I left the lounge 10 minutes prior to boarding:

The controls are now far less crowded than an hour before:

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There is a bit of a walk to reach the gate:

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I arrived just on time for the start of the boarding:

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Unfortunately via bus:

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The queen of the skies:

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My bird:

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Aircraft door:

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The crew was greeting warmly all passengers, here's the NEK cabin:

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Water is already available on each seat:

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Boarding is completing:

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Alone on my row:

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We pushed back right on time:

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Aegean 321neo:

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320 LH:

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My plane reflected on the windows:

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Eurowings Discover A320:

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Seems to be a 747 arriving:

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Indeed, and an A330 waiting for it to land:

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What a bird:

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The Queen:

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And then it is our turn:

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Flying over RWY18, that runway has only one number since only take offs are allowed from it and from that side. Landings on 18 are impossible due to hills before the runways.

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Above the clouds:

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An aperive is offered:

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And the menu:

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It was really good:

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Then a digestive service is performed:

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On cruise:

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Water and chocolates are offered at the end of the flight:

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Star of descent:

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Just beautiful!

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I was amazed by the scenary:

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Almost there!

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And landed:

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My next fligth:

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Sun Class A321:

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330-300 TK:

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EK 773:

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DH8-100 Wideroe :

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320neo SK:

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And heading to the dreaded connections in Norway :(

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Tout afficher

Notes des produits

Compagnie aérienne

Lufthansa 8,5

  • Cabine7,0 / 10
  • Equipage10,0 / 10
  • Divertissements8,0 / 10
  • Restauration9,0 / 10

Lufthansa Senator Lounge A50 (Schengen)5,9

  • Confort8,5 / 10
  • Restauration7,5 / 10
  • Divertissements7,5 / 10
  • Services0,0 / 10
Aéroport de départ

Frankfurt - FRA9,5

  • Fluidité9,0 / 10
  • Accès10,0 / 10
  • Services10,0 / 10
  • Propreté9,0 / 10
Aéroport d'arrivée

Oslo - OSL7,8

  • Fluidité1,0 / 10
  • Accès10,0 / 10
  • Services10,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10


The service at the lounge was abysmal, how come an agent can't / don't want to help if she is supposed to work with high contribution passengers?

Otherwise FRA was easy and quick to connect.

On board, a very nice crew, always asking if passengers needed anything else, a nice snack on board, fresh and tasty.

OSL could be a great airport but as you will see in my next FR, connections are really messy in Norway.

Thanks for reading, next part is onliy :)

Cette lecture vous a plu ?

Faites le savoir à l'auteur en l'applaudissant, il vous en sera grandement reconnaissant.

4 Applaudir

Les derniers avis de Esteban

Commentaires (2)

  • Poor Review, not all have the rights in the system in thi case Amadeus to check/in -reprint boarding passes as the people working there are subcontracted. Poor review, rude guest,poor quality of pictures.

    • Seems that there is nothing you like, two comments, twice to say poor / boring review. Start by writting your first Flight-Report and I'll be more than happy to compare your review with mine to see which one is the poorest.

      Anyway, seems also you don't travel a lot with Lufthansa since NO, their ground service agents in Germany are NOT contracted and for those working on customer desks they all have access to the same system. They don't really use Amadeus, but an interface that connects to it.

      And please, let me know where I have been rude and the pictures you deem as poor.

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