Last segment of this report "fiftytwo go home"

AF1247 : waw-cdg :
AF0662 : cdg-dxb :
KL428 : dxb-ams :
KL1363 : ams-waw : here
After security , i'am in Schiphol until 10 o'clock , so plenty of time to try the Aspire lounge 41

Nice welcome , and the lady warned me that no calls are done in this lounge so better to check the FIDS
When i arrived it was empty and calm , still night in Amsterdam

One part of this lounge was dedicated to SQ , they hired a chinese-speaking agent specially for this lounge

Lounge started to get crowded

Spotting and wilkmommen in DL/KL land !

After a red-eye flight , i needed a breakfast

And that's what i choose

Ok this one looks more usual.

This lounge is very good , especially the food , if you need a breakfast , unlike the Aspire26 , which is absolutely useless
Almost nothing to read if you don't speak Hebrew Turkish or Dutch

CNN on air , the headline of the day is about Trump

8.30am , and the lounge is almost full

Before leaving the lounge i went to toilets , unfortunately that's not the Emirates palace of Abu Dhabi

The day before , i received an email from AF/KL, they asked me to be a
''Quality Observer'' , i will report this flight to Warsaw , but i need to download the application again and find the password again
Left the lounge , when i reached immigration i realized that i was still in non-schengen area , after this i went to gate D19

Oh , i get new ideas (or reminders) about destinations i should visit

Boarding started 10 minutes late

We can go first

and something i love , when the cabin is empty

Boarding was quick , 6 pax with similar names are late , maybe their first flight is delayed, so unload -> new slot -> etc …..

Taxing and spotting

This plane was assigned to the next AMS-WAW

Belgrad is calling

Then we left Schiphol

Nothing to say about the flight cause i was sleeping , i woke up just before landing in Chopin

Bye bye damn sun ! I've seen enough sun in the UAE
Flying over south-east of Warsaw
Kabaty's forest

"Puławska street" ( 14 kms long)

And we are at home

Not so much activity now , only flights to Dubai and Helsinki

Left the plane and went to luggage's delivery

Today , Number 1

I hope my luggage will be there cause i lost my BP in Dubai with the sticker

Everything is alright , i have what i wanted , so i can go home

Today , out of luck , i had to wait 4 minutes for the bus :-)

That's all folks
Next stop : Lviv