I had a quick breakfast in the small and crowded Lufthansa Business Class lounge at H gates area to which I had access due to my Lufthansa Frequent Traveller status.

On the way to my boarding gate I spotted a splendid looking Singapore A350.

At my gate I realized my flight would be operated by a nice looking Airbus 321 in the new Lufthansa livery.

Boarding started ca. 20 minutes late and as always at Munich quite chaotic.
I took my seat in the back of the plane and seat pitch was fine.
The plane ended up almost full in the end.

We departed into cloudy skies for our flight to Dublin that should take ca. 2 hours 15 minutes today.

Once cruising altitude was reached the very friendly cabin crew first offered a choice of either cheese sandwich or sweet cherry pastry.
I decided for the sandwich which tasted very nice and was of a good size. In general a nice snack.
A drinks trolley followed soon and I had a cup of tea and tomato juice.

Ca. 20 minutes later the drinks trolley passed again and refills were offered which was very nice.
The rest of the flight passed by relaxed and we landed at Dublin with a delay of ca. 25 minutes in the end.

We docked at Terminal 1 next to a nice Cathay Pacific A350.

Thanks for reading,
Thanks for this FR.
MUC based crews have a better reputation than FRA based ones.
Usual LH service on this flight, always better than EI.