Review of KLM Cityhopper flight from Amsterdam to Lyon in Economy


WA - KLM Cityhopper

Flight taken on 23 August 2021
16:04 01h 28m 17:32
Class Economy
Seat 8A
539 · 40 · 0 · 9


Hello fellow FR!

Today I will post a flight from the county of Cornwall, where the in-laws live, to our new home.
After having spent a good 10 days reuniting with friends in London, we went to see them by train for a couple of days. Besides the 15 degrees and cloudy weather, this is an interesting place to visit… 

Flying blue Miles earned with this flight: 314 
Status earned: 5 XP
Air France doubling the XP status in 2021: 5 additional XP

Very surprisingly, KLM was just 89€ to reach Lyon, despite the fact that Bristol is an Easyjet territory…

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As an elite skyteam member, I was able to choose for free, from the time of booking my seat on this E190 of KLM City Hopper, not sure why this is not possible with Hop then?

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at amsterdam - schipol airport

We arrived at Schipol a good 2 hours prior to our next flight, so enough time to visit the Crown lounge. The signs to follow to reach the lounge are very confusing… Why is it not written KLM Crown lounge? Why lounge 25?
And as we will see it very shortly, why did they call it Crown lounge? If a country is still a monarchy you'd better call something "crown" only if it is top notch!! 

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We first sat near the end of the lounge, near the coffee machines as I had an urgent meeting to attend to.  

at klm schenguen crown lounge

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The lounge itself is well designed, and I get why there are panels of glass all around to let some light in but I found it a shame to be "visible" to all…

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The choice in terms of food was terribly poor… A few cold sandwiches, pasta and that is it. No cheese, no fruits, no desserts, no sweets, no starters, no more mains… The choice of wine is terrible, and in terms of sparkling just some poor Cava… 

Really this doesn't screem Crown lounge.. 

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The cool thing about this lounge is this giant poster near the self service bar..

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That goes all around the wall of the lounge. I think this is a plus, especially compares to the sad lounges of some other airlines that are even blind.

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There was this also cool poster celebrating the airline's 100th birthday..

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The coffee machines were ok but again there is nothing to have your coffee with..

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This is still better than nothing but really is disappointing.

We left the lounge to go to the B peer where our flight was planned.

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Here is our plane of the day on the right hand side.

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Boarding happened with priorities respected, althought it was a bit hard to identify which lane was skypriority or not…

onboard the e190

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Aircraft:Embraer ERJ190STD
Registration: PH-EZW
Engines: 2x GE CF34
Age: 9 Years
Layout: Y10
Observation: with new livery.

View on this very iconic tower..

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Ready for push pack

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We taxied up until runway 36C

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and take off!

with a nice view on Amsterdam as announced by the captain

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The service started shortly after, and like I have read on FR and my little own experience, it is very rare to find a grumpy crew - they were all rather friendly and even craking a few jokes which is always appreciated.

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strangely enough the curtains to the business class remained open the whole flight

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And we were handed this form that I am still struggling to understand if it is used by the french government at all..
I wasn't remembering this form and as we were lacking of pen, the crew kindly gave us one, not the type that needs to be returned but she just offered it to us. 

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I really like this KLM title reflecting on the wing

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and again!

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We were approaching Lyon and started our descent.

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Unlike partner Air France and the vast majority of airlines, KLM decides to still print and offer its onboard magazine, with the mention that states it is being regularly cleaned..  

and of course the fleet page, where you can see the newly received E2-195 jets and sadly no more B747s.

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Can you see the mont Blanc and the Leman lake?

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and on finals

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landing on runway 35L, very weird as it is usually reserved for take offs..

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We arrived at Terminal 2, mainly used by Air France and friends..

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Before reaching the Passport control on the ground floor and a last view on our plane today.

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Product ratings


KLM Cityhopper 7.4

  • Cabin7.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew9.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi6.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering7.5 / 10

KLM Crown Lounge6.1

  • Comfort8.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering3.5 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi6.5 / 10
  • Services6.5 / 10
Departure airport

Amsterdam - AMS6.9

  • Efficiency5.5 / 10
  • Access7.0 / 10
  • Services7.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness8.0 / 10
Arrival Airport

Lyon - LYS8.1

  • Efficiency9.0 / 10
  • Access7.0 / 10
  • Services7.5 / 10
  • Cleanliness9.0 / 10


In conclusion a nice flight with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, good value for money..
For such a short flight, the airline provides a service equal to regular medium flights.
In terms of entertainment an App, wifi or IFE would be a plus...

AMS: Clean, good amount of services, however as reported before by many of us:
Signs are very confusing
Long queues at passport control
There were some refubishments ongoing
The Crown lounge is very disappointing in the sense that there are more choices available in terms of food at any other snack bar of the airport...

LYS : As effecient as always

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