KL1366 warsaw-amsterdam
Hello and welcome to a new Flight Report. This FR is part of my way back home from Warsaw to Barcelona via Amsterdam Schiphol airport. Despite having choosed LOT for my inbound flight, my return trip had to be at the afternoon as I had a busy morning in Poland's capital.
So finally I choosed to fly with KLM, departing from Warsaw at 16:45 and arriving in Barcelona just before midnight with a short stopover in it's hub, Schiphol.
So after a quick lunch at the hotel in Warsaw I headed to the airport, where I arrived about an hour and 45 minutes before the STD.
In Warsaw, Air France and KLM were sharing check in counters, which resulted in a long queque of nearly 50 minutes, as both afternoon flights were departing nearly at the same time.
I was offered to check my bag for free as both flights were full, so I didn't complain about.

After crossing the security check, I proceeded to the airside. The airport looks very nice and open. I like it's design.

On the other side

Our airplane arriving from Amsterdam.

Soon it was time to board the plane. I was one of the very last passengers to board.

I was seated on 3D, and I had a wonderful legroom.

Views outside.

The captain and the crew welcomed us on board informing of a flight time of 1 hour and 40 minutes to Amsterdam with a very nice weather en route. Soon we started pushback.

Our engines started running but unluckly the captain came again informing us we had a small technical issue which will be solved in 10 minutes. So we were holding at the taxiway.

This one was heading to Chicago.

While taxiing we saw an USAF airplane and an Ukranian military plane landing. I guess WAW is a "hub" for this kind of operations nowadays.

Anyway, soon enough we were on the runway and ready for takeoff. As we were in a small airplane we didn't use all the runway.

Bye bye Warsaw!

A few pics from the city while climbing. We're heading to the west this afternoon.

About 25 minutes into the flight cabin crew passed through the cabin with the catering service. Luckly Air France/KLM are still serving a small snack on their intra-european flights, which is a nice touch. We just had an option over the table: a vegetarian cheese sandwich. I took a Coca Cola, which was also free.

Our route today passed over Poland, overflies the south of Berlin before continuing to Amsterdam. As we took the sunset, the views were quite nice. I saw any cloud in all the flight.
Over Germany.

I ended my meal quite fast. I was hungry :P

Last lights of the day

Soon we started our descent towards Amsterdam. Seat belt sighns were turned ON and cabin was secured for landing.

On approach

And on finals

We landed in Schiphol after 1 hour and 45 minutes in the air. As you can see, here in Holland it gets darker much later than in Poland.

A blurry picture on short finals

Good afternoon Amsterdam! It's been more than a decade since my last visit to this airport.

Taxiing to the gate. I like the road right under the taxiway.

And one last picture parked. We were parked in a remote stand, right on the area were the embraers are parked.

And a bus took us to the terminal. I took one last picture to our bird. Thank you for the ride!

So we proceeded to the terminal, where I went directly to the gate to take my flight to Barcelona.
Thank you very much for reading!
Nice to see free sandwiches still on KLM. Thanks for sharing!
Many thanks for your comments. Saludos!