Flight routing
- 1
- 2KL1681 - Economy - Amsterdam-Barcelona - Boeing 737-800
A short introduction
Hello everyone and welcome to a new FR. This is the second part of my trip from Warsaw to Barcelona. As I told on the previous leg, there were no available afternoon direct flights to Barcelona, so I needed a connection in a main european airport and KLM had the most reasonable schedule.
I want to apologize as I didn't took many pictures; the flight was late at night and it was very dark outside. Anyway, let's go!
Many years passed since the last time I was in Schiphol and I didn't remember many things about this airport. Anyway, As my connection wasn't very long and my previous flight from Warsaw arrived a few minutes late, I proceeded directly to my next boarding gate to Barcelona, where I realized the flight was going to be full again.
Our 737 was being prepared.

Boarding started on time. Seated at the rear part of the aircraft, I was one of the first passengers to board the plane, so I just relaxed a bit while boarding was being completed. 9pm looks to be quite a busy hour in Schiphol and many planes are departing at that time, mostly to european destinations.

Boarding was completed and the captain and the crew welcomed us on board. The flight time tonight was expected to be about 2 hours with nice weather en route.
Time to push back.

Engines started and we taxied to our runway. Here there's one while reaching the holding point. Apologies for the blurry pictures!

On time take off and heading directly to the south. Here's a picture while climbing out from Schiphol.

Once we reached the cruising altitude cabin crew came with the in flight service, which was exactly the same as on my previous flight. A cheese sandwich and a drink, which is quite good in this flight. At the same time I was working a bit, writing a few notes from the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
As you can appreciate on the picture, Holland Herald was placed back on their flights, so thumbs up for this enterteinment.

The flight passed over Belgium and crossed France from north to south. We passed over Paris, but it was impossible to see anything as it was mostly cloudy. A very blurry picture during our cruise.

Before descending, I requested a glass of water to the crew, which was given without any problem. I like quite a lot the attitude of the KLM crew, maybe I was lucky that day, but they were very attentive and smiley.
Legroom was ok for a 2 hours flight.

Soon enough we started our descent. It was cloudy outside, so no views available that night, despite overflying Barcelona. After 11pm and until 7am, landings are mandatory made on RWY 02, which final approach is over the sea. This is made to avoid noise problems. The approach is quite impressive as planes coming from the north must overfly Barcelona before the 180 degree turn.

On finals towards LEBL. Flaps set and gear down. Barcelona is quite a busy airport at that time in the night, so we saw some other planes approaching.

And touchdown a few minutes after 11pm, after nearly two hours in the air. The weather in Barcelona was very poor, with overcast skies and some (very needed) rain.

And finally parked next to the Lufthansa A321 which just arrived from Frankfurt. I made this flight a few months ago, just in case you're interested in reading it.

Thank you very much for reading and again, apologies for the quality of the pictures. I'll try to improve my phone very soon, so I hope to improve my night FR.
Stay safe!
Another good flight with KLM. Their cabin crews are consistently friendly. Seems like you have a good transit experience at AMS. Though AMS has always had a good reputation for transit, I've been seeing more and more negative experiences with long queues lately, but I guess going between two Schengen destinations avoids any issues.
Gràcies per compartir
I can imagine the situation in non-schengen areas must be much different, specially during rough hours in AMS.
Yes, looks like SkyTeam airlines are still providing a small service on their european flights.
Moltes gràcies!