Back in the departures hall and found the Qatar desks with long line ups for both J and Y.
It was a 15 minute wait till it was my turn for check in and the process itself took around 10 minutes. There was an unfortunate glitch in the system where it showed I was booked on a Y ticket even though I paid full J fare with Avios points. Due to this glitch, the system said I had no access to the lounge. It did not click in my brain until I was talking to a fellow FT friend and he said to fight it next time it happens and ask the agent to call QR
HQ to get it fixed (lesson for next time).
Immigration was quick as there was a separate F and J line (the Y line was ridiculously long). While I was initially waiting in the Y line, I was complaining to fellow FT friend about the lounge kerfuffle and then mentioned the Y line. He responded with “There’s a separate J line, go find it”. I ducked under the rope and walked to the other end of the hall and breezed through LOL. Thanks to my saviour.
I did try to get into the MH golden lounge but because the BP said “No Lounge”, I was not allowed in. I have been in the lounge before so I did not miss anything. I did have Priority Pass access and went over to the Travel Club Lounge.
Overall, a very nice lounge with comfortable seating and delicious food. Even though it was early morning, it felt like lunch items were put out but I was in no way complaining as it was all very delicious.
Lovely view while lounging
After having my fill (of food) in the lounge, I made the semi long walk to the C gates where the bird was parked. Security was underway and after I was through, boarding began.
Love sitting in the mini cabin
One of the FAs came by to introduce herself and was super sweet. She offered a PDB which was freshly poured when I asked for champagne.
Cold towel and amenity kit - hot take but I prefer a cold towel over a hot one
The menus

Boarding was done and we eventually pushed back.

Lining up

Yeeting out of KUL

The first meal service started within an hour.
Cream of parsnip soup to start.

Chicken Ouzi

Pear and Almond pudding

An hour prior to landing, I went with the Prawn wonton and noodle soup

Doha in the distance

Arriving at our gate

There is a separate immigration for arriving F and J passengers that is inside the QR arrivals lounge. You can freshen up at the lounge before going to immigration and was quick.
Decided to take the metro to the hotel. The walk to the metro from the terminal was a bit longer than normal but easy to follow directions. Once at my destination, the hotel was right next door and was a 5 minute walk.

My FT bag tag is still hanging in there.