Passenger reviews on Bacolod City BCD airport

grey stars
gold stars
1 reviews

The Bacolod City Domestic (IATA code BCD) airport is located in Bacolod City. Travellers rate it 5.6/10 on average, indicating weak service. This rating is below when compared to the average rating of other airports.

Country : Philippines

Local time:


  • Services is moderately valued compared to other airports.
  • Security/immigration efficiency, Terminal access and Cleanliness are very unpopular compared to other airports.

Average rating

  • Efficiency
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Access
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Services
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Cleanliness
    grey stars
    gold stars

Destination map

Latest passenger reviews

Routes to and from Bacolod City - BCD

Bacolod City - BCD Departures Bacolod City - BCD Arrivals
MNL - BCD Flights between Manila and Bacolod City
MNL - BCD Flights between Manila and Bacolod City
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