Review of Shaheen Air International flight from Kuwait City to Lahore in Economy


NL - Shaheen Air International

Flight taken on 03 April 2008
03:30 03h 30m 09:00
Class Economy
Seat 1A
1,966 · 4 · 3 · 1

Shaheen Air 737-200 / AP-BHB named "Chum" / Kuwait to Lahore April 2008. Apologies for quality of and lack of photos due to no Flight-Report being around !
Welcome to the first ever Lahore Flight Report !!!
After a hectic journey getting to Kuwait, I had missed the Kuwait Airways A320 to Lahore by about 4 hours and was due to get a Shaheen Air flight instead.
Mr Ali, the Shaheen Air Station Manager Kuwait was very polite,professional and quickly got me a seat as well as collect my bag from arrivals. I had Mcdonalds as I didn't think I'd get much to eat onboard and headed for the departure lounge and it was now 0200am. I was surprised to be the only suited booted guy(not showing off) as all other passengers were mainly shalwar kameez wearing male labourers going home to see their families.
After some waiting,I spoke to Mr Aziz of Kuwait Airways ( Shaheen's Handling Agent ) and Mr Ali of Shaheen to ask when boarding would commence ? Mr Ali took my boarding pass,ripped the large stub and said let's go onboard ! I felt like a VIP !
The smell of the 737-200 as I entered was reminiscent of the beautiful land I would touch down in a few hours later !
The two Airhostesses at the door looked very smart and gave a warm welcome .
I was given 1ABC ,it's all Economy Class on this 737 which is ex United( and goodness knows how many others !!). I was pleased to have 3 seats to myself. I took a few minutes to look round the aircraft and to say it had had better days was not the correct term at all ! It was literally being held together ! On 1DEF were two Shaheen Air engineers who I had nice long chats with through the flight and they said that they were looking to induct the 737-400 at some point.
Pre take off there was a water service and then we began taxying at Kuwait. Oh my God. I have never taxied so much in all my life !
We just went round and round and round and then at 0330am local time finally BHB started it's take off roll. Regardless of the age of this aircraft, it was one of the most smoothest flights of my life.
The cabin crew (all female) were extremely courteous and the Cabin Supervisor told me she likes flying to Bradford as it's on a widebody A310 and a great destination. I was brought a copy of the inflight magazine "Parvaz" which told me that the flight I was on right now is normally an A310 !!! Drat ! LeedsBradford was discontinued in July 2008.
Anyway,my Mcdonalds meal was just about settling down when a beautiful aroma filled the cabin. A delicious breakfast of spicy keema,chicken bhujia was served along with a sweet naan,fruitcake, and soft drinks. I believe I was the only passenger on the whole aircraft being spoken to in English. Shaheen's training must be superb as the crew were well turned out,professional and couldn't do enough for you. They also get 10/10 for having a uniform that incorporates Pakistan,with a dupatta that remains on during the flight and all other times.
We landed at Lahore 0900PST and the flight was memorable. No IFE or newspapers but we were given boiled sweets which added a nice touch before landing. I thought to myself, all NL need are new aircraft and they certainly have an edge when it comes to customer service. Fast forward to 2016 and Shaheen have mainly A320/A330 aircraft and now fly to Manchester,Kuala Lumpur and soon Bangkok. Shaheen Air have also introduced a beautiful and modern Airhostess uniform in 2016 as show.
Delicious meal onboard NL442

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Shaheen Air 737 Cabin

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AP-BHB after arrival in Lahore

photo bhb.

Shaheen Air Airhostess Uniform 2016

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Product ratings


Shaheen Air International 8.8

  • Cabin10.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew10.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi5.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering10.0 / 10
Departure airport

Kuwait City - KWI10.0

  • Efficiency10.0 / 10
  • Access10.0 / 10
  • Services10.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness10.0 / 10
Arrival Airport

Lahore - LHE10.0

  • Efficiency10.0 / 10
  • Access10.0 / 10
  • Services10.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness10.0 / 10


Superior experience !

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Comments (3)

  • First report to LHE and on Shaheen. Looks like after all the stress of rerouting via KWI, everything worked out. And you even go the VIP treatment! Too bad there aren't more photos, but I understand that it was 2008.

  • Hi Kevin...if only Flight Report was around in 2008 and I had a proper high quality can expect only Gold standard reports in the future !

  • Just had the worst customer service experience at Shaheen Airlines counter, Islamabad Airport, 05 Oct 2017

    I was on an official visit and had a confirm return ticket from Islamabad to Karachi at 7 PM.

    When I arrived at @ShaheenAir counter I was told that no record of my ticket was found in their system and I will have to buy a new ticket to board the next flight, which I already had and I told them that it was not possible and it might be an error in their database. As the tickets were confirmed last evening and moreover the tickets were booked through official channels. But the attendant remained adamant and maintained that I could not fly with the ticket I had.

    This took pretty long, either they did not have the systems for automating these small decisions, or they did not use it if it existed

    It was already late and the flight finally took off and I was stranded at the Islamabad Airport due to @ShaheenAir extremely unprofessional behavior and poor ticketing system.

    The situation took its toll when I was informed that they have now found my ticket's info in their system and due to @ShaheenAir system error they were not able to locate it before and now my next flight is at 10 am

    I arrived at the airport at around at 6 PM and stranded uptill now without food or water.

    not one #ShaheenAirline official turned up to offer explanation

    It was one hell of an experience @ShaheenAir never travelling from this airline again

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