Hi There,
This is again this same route as usually but this time was less comfortably in lounge. It was overcrowded because in Munich 25th of may was christian saint so all people went to long weekend.
It was almost no possibility to move from seat because other people will quickly reserve it. At least I found place on space where you can connect to power your computer.
This was say choice.

of course I ate something also but I forget to make a photos.
On time I went to gates. Priority Boarding was quick and comfortable as usual business class pax were board first.
When we sat pre-departure drink has been distributed: as usual water and orange juice with refreshing tissue

This time it was very funny to see that plane had a 20 rows…..nine of them was business class and 2- premium economy rest of economy. First Time in my life on these route I saw so big premium section :)
Before we make a taxi to take-off I was asked for one of passengers that I can change with him on seats because in this same row as I am sitting on other site is sitting his wife.
I agree and I changed for 7D.
I have drunk water and we take-off. After we reach our altitude service has been started.
Immediately after food distribution I was asked what I would like to have to drink. So I chose for meal red wine. I asked also when I will finish my meal that I can asked for whisky and stewardess told me that yes of course.:

I even didn't finish my meal and one of crew came to me and told that I ordered whisky and she gave it already.

After 15-20 minutes one of stewardess came again and asked if I would like to some coffeee or tea. I asked for coffee

When I was drinking I saw that after me is no one sitting and on next of this seat is sitting one of pax which is talking with other colleagues from work so I asked her if I can spread out my armchair. She agreed.
When I finish my wine and whisky still was not done etc I asked for sparkling wine and a water. All was distributed in glass.

At 21:15 we arrived on Warsaw and I went to Business lounge Polonez. After fast check my ticket they let me in.
Here I chose:

After meal I went for some newspaper. There was special newspaper dedicated for business class also. Very good accent

At 22:00 I went to my gate to Gdansk.