Munich Airport
Flight routing
- 1LO352 - Business - Munich -> Warsaw -Embraer E-175
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Hello there,
As I mentioned few weeks ago we are starting my few legs from MUC
First of all will be Munich via warsaw to Gdansk by LOT Polish Airlines
I bought this flight due that I want to check how the service of LOT changed if I can say "after COVID" time whcih of course is a bull shit.
So 17.07.2021 i went from Moosach to Munich Airport by S1 S-Bahn. there was really almost empty train.
After I arrived to airport I went to Busness Class corner

I was a little bit scared, after I gave all info regarding flight incl. flight number, Lady told me that she son't see any flight today by LO to Warsaw.
She asked me secodn time for my ID and I was starting to check if they cancelled it or what's going on but in this same moment she told me that she found so i was relief…..
After my baggage has been checked in she gave me my Ticket so I went to security
There was no so many people and went smooth in 10 minutes I heading to the lounge
My surprise was that if you will go to LH site and check lounge section there is due to corona similar food offer in sebnator and buisness lounge.
Unfortunatelly women which I spoke told me that there is no possibility to go with business class ticket. I am not sure maybe I should have LH ticket not LOT

After I came to BL there was not so many people. I found a place in corner and went for some food. My dissapointment was really high. After LH was so welcome that they give more and more hot food…… They offered in morning scrambled eggs and bean as a hot food….of course for everything you must ask…..I must apologize due that I done photo of food but somehow I didn't save it :/ But i am sure that you saw this food a lot of time

when it was (:20 I head to the gate due that I had 9:30 boarding. It was late by 10 minutes but after all I was able to went first as only Bsuiness class today and after me premium economy passenger and then rest of.
Almost all Premium economy was taken, as i business class passenger I was alone, I have 169 cm so in LOT I have a huge amount of space that cause I have very comfortable space for legs. Also seats are wide, Lofthansa in CRJ900 are not so good.Regular headrest also are in plus, in additional all seats are soft and thick so you can really relax

On the Board of LOT Polish Airlines
After we started , Capitan came and told that todays flight will take ca. 1h25m
Short after we flown above the clouds service started

What I loved by LOT is that everything is marked by "LOT"
Flight attendants , 2 young people woman and man was so good and attentive, young man started to distribute formulars due that when you are flying to Poland after 17.07 you can fill online localization formular. Due that I done it by online on 16.07 and I show PDF attendant ask me formwhere I was known about it. I toild him that I have a few sites subscribed about flight market and I ma flying geek so he ask me few more questions about fullfill the formular and ask me retorically how is the chance that the rest of passengers know about it, I respond "none".
In business class In LOT i am walways feeling like at home .
Food service was new to me and it was ok but nothing special.Beverages were as before COVID so 2 wines, 2 whiskey(ballanteis and !Glenfidditch 12 years old single malt), beer-Zywiec, Gin, Sparkling wine was unfortunatelly not available, brandy and cognac and of course rest of non-alcoholic like water, cola , juices etc. Of course everything is on porcelain ins spite of tray
First of all FA came and asked what we want to drink and offered little snack so I choose white vine + salted peanuts
Then Main course course came and after all FA asked If I want to have something elase so i asked for beer and then I saw that she aslo again came with salted peanuts, very nice gesture :)
I talk with her about situation with a passenger after 2020 etc she admit that in 202 it was osmetime only 15 pax, now i always full or at leas more tan 50% so good to hear that :)
After we landed I was disappointed due that there was no Buisness class, Premium economy spearate bus….. everyone wen to one bus….
On Warsaw Airport the was an queue to check tests and covids codes.
After that I went to the Lounge

When I came there I was thrilled, LOT added new corner for drinks, you have one of 8 dedicated drinks n differnt base of alcohol but if you have in mind you own they will do it for you.
Additionally 5 different hot food has been present to order, BL attendat went and asked people if they see that you starring at menu.
I orderded Tortelini and it was deliver to my desk 10-15 min later. It was delicious. I took also 2 form 5 different sandchies and 1 of 3 different saldas.There was of course range if Wines(sparkling, red, white) if you want whisky on ice , wodka etc Good thing is that you can take all cold food and light alcohol by yoursef.
After that I went to the next leg of flight to Gdansk
Thanks for this really nice trip report! LOT has such a lovely service in Business Class on such a short hop, at least when compared to LH and other major carriers. The LH loungefinder is a bit tricky as in Zurich and Frankfurt you DO get access to the Senator Lounges without status and Business Class ticket only, but not in Munich.
Hi, Thank you for your review and comment, yes i talked with people on flyertalk foruym and they admit that LH comeback to old selection so for Senator you must have a card and you will be not able to go with BC ticket
Nice to see that LOT have maintained a good level of service on such a short flight in Business! The seats do indeed look comfortable and well-padded compared to most slimline seats these days.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi KevinDC thank you for review and comment :)