Review of American Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Las Vegas in Economy


AA - American Airlines

Flight taken on 11 June 2017
11:30 01h 15m 12:45
Model Airbus A321
Class Economy
Seat 28A
1,154 · 9 · 0 · 2

Flight # AA1133
Seat : 28A
Duration : 45m
Aircraft : Airbus A321
Date : 11/06/2017
Occupancy: Y: 80%, J: 90
the full video report can be found here:

This Leg was a connecting flight from Miami, so there is not check-in area pics of LAX terminal.

photo 8DiYpx0h

My seat 28A

photo d0lo8Dlh

The pitch of the seat was very good for me, i'm 1.73m

photo xmy5Auwhphoto b4T3pNuhphoto 7AiIhBHh

In the center if this pic you can see the SkyRanch, located in Sandy Valley, NV, well known for houses having hangars instead of garages, they are connected to a runway

photo cAttc6sh

Very good view of the Airport and Las vegas strip.

photo Piki6WBhphoto 4A0rCprhphoto HgWq3trh
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Product ratings


American Airlines 8.3

  • Cabin9.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew8.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi9.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering7.0 / 10
Departure airport

Los Angeles - LAX6.3

  • Efficiency5.5 / 10
  • Access6.5 / 10
  • Services6.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness7.0 / 10
Arrival Airport

Las Vegas - LAS8.6

  • Efficiency8.5 / 10
  • Access7.0 / 10
  • Services9.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness10.0 / 10


The overall experience was good, the bad point was in LAX where i found airport personal unfriendly and unwilling to help to give instructions about the way to change terminals to catch my next flight.

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