Review of Air France flight from London to Paris in Business


AF - Air France

Flight taken on 22 August 2018
15:50 01h 15m 18:05
Model Airbus A320
Class Business
Seat 1A
762 · 71 · 1 · 1

Here we are back after the back-to-school rush and a breakBulgarian (the politburo has noted the names of all the members of the site who have not yet read this wonderful FR, crazy and completely crazyavailable here and her revenge will be terrible… flights to mute her to the Gulag for all!!!)?

August 16, 2018 - AF 7361 - 07 :10 BES - 08 :55 ORY - CRK (operated by A5, sold under AF) in Y
August 16, 2018 - AF 6010 - 11 :10 ORY - 12 :30 MRS - A318 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y
August 16, 2018 - A5 6433 - 18 :55 MRS - 20 :30 BES - A320 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y (not reported)
August 21, 2018 - A5 6432 - 21 :25 BES - 23 :00 MRS - A320 (operated by AF, sold under A5) in Y (not reported)
August 22, 2018 - AF 7669 - 09:35 MRS - 11:05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y (see explanation prior to flight AF 7663 below)
August 22, 2018 - AF 7663 - 10 :35 MRS - 12 :05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y
August 22, 2018 - FY 1780 - 13:25 CDG - 13:45 LHR - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) on D
August 22, 2018 - AF 1781 - 15:50 LHR - 18:05 CDG - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in D (this is here)
August 22, 2018 - FY 7732 - 21:50 CDG - 23:00 BES - - A320 (operated by AF, sold by AF) in Y (coming soon)

In this summer route we had stayed on the finish line in the treacherous Albion (Vive le Brexit!) by one of those footbridges that do Heathrow's credit: the mileage jetways (we earn miles by crossing them….. on foot!).
So we arrive in a corridor worthy of a prison universe… Prison Break inside:)

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Well, it's like Bangkok with its golf course stashed in the airport.

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There is even a nine-eyed guide to remind everyone that no, you are not lost (or at least not yet).

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As I have a side amateur of antiquities and antiquities, I propose you this pre-brexit display…. Watch your eyes, it's a collector's item!

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Except that I don't have the soul of an unconscious adventurer, I leave that toIndiania Mogoy and the 40 guards of the Boeing or toMarathon the ecological compactor :)
In short, I shamefully take the "correspondence" queue that leads to… a hidden PIF!
And yes I come from the European Union (so the PIF should not be imposed according to the texts) but from outside theCommon Travel Aera which includes islands dependent on loans or by far from Her Majesty and the Republic of Ireland… hence the b….l related to Brexit… In short I am between Ethihad and other exotic destinations! Ah treacherous Albion, I would take revenge for this discrimination contrary to European law! :)
The PIF, without a picture, was in full swing, where I would be entitled to the nudoscope with personnel of military rigour and very British politeness (being humiliated in public with class and politeness is a pleasureso British)…. in short 5 minutes later I am Airside (bis) and post-PAF (I have a head to go the UK border thing thing?)….
No priority queue because…. 1 person in front of me!
I arrive at the merchants of the Anglican Church temple: Gucci and others…
Some local stands (Harry Potter (sic), a Lebanese restaurant in London (re-sic), candy (re-resic)… in short nothing very exciting. Yes, hidden and poorly indicated; a… Harrod's to relieve me of a few pounds in exchange for tea (even if someone tried to give me a credit card transaction in euros with a 10% exchange margin:) )…
So let's go visit the Skyteam loundge…. to Mogoyer a little!
Uh how can I put it, a little frosty welcome, chief dragon and deputy chief dragon will give me "welcome sir" in a tone that would not have displeased the parents of a 15-year-old girl presenting them her first suitor…. i]the little English girls won't be for me this time (I know the reference is a little dated !) :)
The buffet will make me… run away! Three leftovers of a hot dish that are chasing each other with a not-so-draining appearance!
I don't dare to mention sweetness… there are young children hanging out on the site!
My selection is a testament to that!

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On the other hand, it's quiet, if not empty,…..

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Maybe because, according to a famous red guide, this salon is not even worth the trip!
Otherwise our meter master will be happy:

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No ZE, Mogoy not happy:(

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Well, that's not all, but let's run away…
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, as an Englishman would say in a language that accepts mint jelly"Voilà!"

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Oh, my God, Nirvana, accessible to a simple mortal like me?
Hhéhéhéhéhé view on my steed of the day

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London's interest is in traffic!
A320 AF with sharklets (mine), A318 Tarom (the drift is higher than on other single-aisle Airbus and then Tarom has only 318), 777 AA, B747-400 BA, Concorde BA, 767 BA, 320 BA and A320 Aer Lingus….

photo trafilhr01

Of course it's glazed and looks more like an oven than anything else… plus we're far away so the phone is not the right place to take pictures from far away!
I go down (I specify that it is accessible PMR).
I will not mention the moment "conveniences" with dubious cleanliness….
All right, after two professional calls, it's time to get on board!
Ouch the tail!

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Except we're among the English!
In these hostile lands, which only Aulus Plautius knew how to control in 43 AD and Adrien tried to consolidate their belonging to the Empire, inequality is the key: a nobleman cannot mix with the commoners!
So there is a queue for the lowly people (we say thecommons over there) and the nobles (a form of peerage… I am told), in short thesky priority, from the Book, by the Book, only the Book.
We even go so far as to interrupt the normal line so that I feel more comfortable…
It may be the local customs and habits, but it still makes me a little uncomfortable even if no one complains.
It is then that the Minotaur that I entered a labyrinth that would not have displeased the first Egyptologists looking for a pharaoh in a corner of the pyramid…
The pyramid

photo minotaure

Maintaining the fighter's path with a subjective camera (be careful, some images may shock an uninformed public).

You have all noted the presence of emergency exit signs: this is proof that he has people who get lost in the jetways of this terminal and that they can starve to death in the same way as
George Herbert is not the only one who succumbed to Tutankhamun's curse!
Besides, there's a death trap!
Halfway there is an alternative: on the left the arrivals, on the right the departures!
Woe to you if you're wrong! You will be condemned to wander forever in the terminal!

In short, we arrive at the starting point of earlier!

photo 16

By the way, it's time for the minute of general knowledge.

Contenu masqué : Cliquez pour afficher

Since we are in the business of coffee counter Egyptology, we might as well look at something a little more serious:
Before Ferdinand, this already existed???

Welcome polished no more by the on-board staff….
Here, the view reminds me of something.

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You don't change a losing team, the tablet is always dirty!

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The pitch hasn't changed much since earlier

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Distribution of the survival kit

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Passage of a class of schoolboys who, like any group of schoolboys, noisily heckle in the boarding sequence.
Direct cash announcement from the CC that announces the color telling them to calm down immediately. The tone was martial and did not call for a discussion.
It was certainly effective, but I would have been concerned, I doubt that I would have appreciated the tone of the announcement, especially in the absence of any previous warning.
And then the tragedy happened! What I am is that I understood exchanges between the protagonists (being in 1A… it helps!).
The ground manager (let's call John Doe to avoid offending anyone) decides thattime is over and that we close the boarding immediately. Except that half of the schoolchildren are missing, the rest being somewhere in the terminal with an escort waiting in the door (the others are on board). Given the age of the accompanying persons, I doubt that all of them are adults (theBAFA -i.e. the French diploma required to supervise children- can be awarded to young minors over 17 years of age)…
In short, he asked the Captain to authorize the disembarkation of their luggage and announced to the group leader that he was cancelling the tickets of the other members of the group because they only had to be on time… Nor does he authorize the disembarkation of one of the escorts because his luggage is on board.
We will therefore unload the luggage (for 20 minutes)… it being specified that well before the end of the landing of this freight, the schoolchildren will all be in door… in vain (thanks to the mobile phones of the escorts). Intransigence of the ground staff, the CDB quickly took refuge at the post….
I don't know if the term stupidity may be appropriate….
- How can escorts board (except one) if the group is only half present?
- How can you delay a plane more than necessary by refusing pax when you haven't located their checked baggage yet?
I would not like to have to deal with parents who are forced to buy a ticket in this context….
Meanwhile, the neighbour unloads his freight and paxes…

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There's John Doe.

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Finally, after this incident (the consequences of which I do not know… which may be criminal in theory!), the bridge is retracted.

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Who said Skyteam?

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3 groupers

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I confirm that we are among the lovers of stuffed sheep's belly

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It comes from the left, so it has priority or is it a rule of the Britishfair play: we pass in front of thefroggies?

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I have a doubt about our lead…

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And it starts again behind, the 340 fences the place of the Canadian 777

photo 20180822_162821

Come on, let's go!
V1, VR, V2, rotate…
Well, let's count the animals:
7 groupers (1 Quantas, 6 BA)

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The award for the longest blind corridor in London goes to…

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Oh, my God, they really drive on the left!

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Let's go to the City of Light: zou a 180!

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Weather in Brittany

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Well, that's not all, but I'm hungry!
Here is the tray as left by the CC

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Then he asked me what drink I would like when, without waiting for my answer, he grabs the bottle of red wine… ready to draw!
"Do you have any champagne on board?" (I know very well that yes because the crew before the mentioned front)
"Heuuuuuuuuuuuuuu yes of course" (with a grimace of a kid caught with his hand in the candy pot)….
2 minutes later, followed by a very nice "blong", my glass fills up!

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No menu, so we'll play guessing games…
- The pseudo pizza part had nothing to envy to a local CROUS even if the tomato was good,
- The deli meats were good,
- the clafouti was industrial but correct,
- the chocolate mellowness was pretty good,
- the infamous dessert (coconut mousse) should be prosecuted…
- the bread was good,
- the two mini rocks… joker!
My glass will remain empty (not good).

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We cross the border somewhere during the culinary delight of a new era by renowned chefs…
Here it is for proof

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Well, that's not all, but a London-Paris is short.
So let's move on to coffee.

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and then that's it, cleaning up and finito!
Approach facing West by the South doublet
The Mitry-Mory area with a Francilian passing through…

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This may be a detail for you, but for ADP it means a lot:

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The presence of this water body requires the presence of a river/nautical brigade within the ADP fire brigade, the basis of which is as follows

photo pompiers

Rescue divers train there regularly!
Well, 777 in Skyteam livery.

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Last turn and re-skyteam

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Note the intelligence of ADP: this plane arriving from the EU, excluding Schengen, is leaving for Bordeaux. So it makes sense to bring it to S3!
Bridge on approach

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Guess where I am?

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An anti-return device

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The art of getting lost with green plants:)

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Ouch there re-PIF (that's what it's a joke to me I'm from the EU - even if it's almost over…..)
No one in any of the lines, friendly staff… zou quickly
Then we walk down a certain corridor

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Wouldn't a marathon have been there one day?

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When I told you that the logic of parking my plane for Bordeaux at S3 was unstoppable.

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Arrival at the PAF: the crowd of great days.
PARAFE closed by coils, to hell with greed I'm going to see a human!

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And he will also be kind and polite…
I leave you here for this opus arriving in the Airside zone of the 2F for the last flight of the series which will include a secret to make any Air France traveller pale: how to circumvent in an infallible and legal way the no-show rule!

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Product ratings


Air France 3.8

  • Cabin3.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew4.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi3.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering5.0 / 10

SkyTeam Lounge3.5

  • Comfort4.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering2.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi5.0 / 10
  • Services3.0 / 10
Departure airport

London - LHR6.0

  • Efficiency9.0 / 10
  • Access7.0 / 10
  • Services4.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness4.0 / 10
Arrival Airport

Paris - CDG6.0

  • Efficiency7.0 / 10
  • Access6.0 / 10
  • Services4.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness7.0 / 10


The cabin suffers from the same defects as the one on the way... cqfd! No complete cleaning in London.
A polite chief of staff but far below the crew of the outward flight: did his job without zeal or proactivity. Maybe a psycho-rigid look?

Boarding in London? I let you guess what I think (not much good).

Terminal 4 of LHR was dirty (big day too?), full of people and the temple merchants occupy the largest square of this shopping centre... I am not a fan of the concept.

ADP pleasantly surprised me by the lack of tail at the PIF and PAF. On the other hand, go park a 320 at the S3 and then go as a servant: doubly stupid
Stupid because LHR passengers have to walk from S3 to 2F or 2E
stupid because passengers for BOD are entitled to the paxbus from 2F to S3.
It's no easier to put it on 2F and take a pax bus to the entrance of the 2E???? :(

In short, at the paid rate, it works; at the full rate: no thanks!!!!!

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BESMRS 's latest reviews

Comments (1)

  • Too much sarcasm in this post to make me enjoy it, you sound like a person who drinks boiling water and pisses out icebubes. The service staff must hate you.

    I'll give your blogs a miss from now on. It only got a 3 from me. You would have given 1.....

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