Hi there!
Frankly speaking, I'm so pleased because of getting opportunities, strength and weal for upcoming reviews. To cut it short, I'll try to overcome everyhting and fully complete my story's description:)
Here we go!
Frankfurt Airport, T1. Connecting flights zone, departure
Basically I wanna leave here the link for the first part(I dunno how to do other kinds of stylish links with the opportunity of showing completed ones e.t.c..So I apologize):
As you remember(or may be not), last part was finished on the photo with the passport control where I lost 30 minutes. While waiting in the line I got the message from LH which notified me about 1-hour delay with the tremendous joy. Certainly no sorrow and anxiety. The destiny gave a chance to walk through this big terminal and get an image of it. That was my first time here so..too interesting research.
After passport control there was a security, it was lucky not to see any queues and I passed it very quickly.

Then I saw something close to the "big hall": here passengers divide into the different groups depending on departure zones

I prefered to have a first look of my zone(the gate was B4):

The view from B-zone window, ANA and LATAM can be marked as unusual guests..

Regarding this zone, its sizes are too limited, I saw several cafees and nothing more. That's why I went in direction to the A-zone. To reach it, you need go through the underground tonnel. Looks picturesque

While walking I found a board. As you see, only my flight was delayed

I wanna say that such kinds of removals should be thoroughly estimated because you may get some problems if you have little time and don't have an oportunity to move faster :)
So, zone A, first looks..

Too many newspapers, throughout the building.

BMW i8 Coupe at the center of another hall..

Then I went to the A/Z zones containing of gates 50-69(actually my arrival was served in Z, this walk took place in A).

Childish LH plane was detected. I had heard about it before but I was amazed to see the swiss analogue at ZRH one week later..
That moment I remembered my time was running out that's why I prefered to view other zones like C and A15-42.

A small spotting for everybody but here you may find lots of interesting planes and liveries. Of course, if you have enough time.

I realized that fact you time would be up too fast. As you may notice, I went through the zones in a mode of "light view" so I think I had seen a very small part of this big organism.
So the last view of B1-9 zone..

While going I saw the automatic passport control. There're no similar ones in Russia but I read the news it would be tested soon in Moscow airports.

Our plane and flight LH302 by Air Dolomiti

I find this combination of our plane's wing and taking off LH plane unusual. Do you like this view?

So I went into the plane with registration I-ADJQ.

On my departure day it had an age of 5.7 years. The pitch is acceptable, especially for 55-minutes flight.

The pocket of the forward seat was filled with airline magazines, safety card and other necessary things:

Before take-off each passenger gets a refreshing towel:

The seat belt was mostly scratched.

The panels:

Baggage cases have a pretty nice length but the height's too small that's why you won't be able to place here too many things.

So the first view showed the plane wasn't so fresh in spite of its relative "youth".

Keep some views of taxing:

And the take-off video:

I find the service for such flight type rather attractive.

Cabin crew in a process of work:

I was alone in the whole block of seats so I went for a walk and..
..to see a small window view(like them too much):

to look at the kitchen and flight-attendant's seat:

The closet was ok.

The overview of the cabin. Big number of seats were available..

To be honest I was waiting the second part of flight when plane crosses the Alps. But the weather hid them under the massive cloudy layer :(
But sometimes I managed to see small pieces..

As a compensation(ha-ha) the nature gave me some clouds with interesting shape. On the last photo's background one cloud seems me something like a crocodile eating its victim(maybe the comparison isn't objective but why not?)

The speed was 499 kts:

The cloudiness is close to dissapear, the visibility is clear:)

Soon I saw the city of Turin. If you want to view it, take the right window places because usually approaching planes cross the city from south to north.

Of course, keep the video of landing:

The flight is over, say "thanks" to the cabin team and go to the terminal building..

Our plane:

Turin Airport, arrival
To reach arrival zone, you need go through the departure zone.

This pleasant signboard meets the passangers and makes them happy;)

That time I hadn't had any luggage so I needn't get it here..

Several views of arrival zone..Then I went in direction to railway station.

But I was too surprised when I learnt a fact there weren't any trains here at all. I don't know the reason of train connecting disappearance but the only way to Turin was available by bus. I wanna say the train wasn't chosen randomly because the distance between the booked hotel and Turin-Dora station(yeah, that's a final stop for those trains) was only 200 m. So that fact became useless for me, I needed to arrive to my hotel. Unfortunately, I forgot to activate my mobile internet in FRA, that's why my only means were the personal orientation and people around me(the questions only to yourself..). The bus arrives in the Turin-Porto Susa railway station and there I spent little time to understand how to reach the hotel(because of decribed problems in previous sentence).
But everything was absolutely ok.
This report is finished, I'm in a process of writing others.
If you want, after completing the series I may publish some russian flights(like Moscow-Saint Petersburg), their russian versions're posted on suitable website. The flights took place in 2017 and 2018 but the information can still stay actual so..will see:)
Thanks for your view and sorry for the gualities of photos!
Thanks for your report.
Air Dolomiti is always been quite a pleasant airline to fly on, however I find their aircraft usually not in the best conditions (Cabin looks) compared to their age.
And you are always welcome to publish some ollder reports as we have some users frequently posting them. It would be nice too to see some extra Russian aviation reports as they do not appear frequently.
Thanks for response!
I agree with you, the cabins could be better.
So after this group of reports I'll try to publish some "russian" reports;)
Hi Vadimk99, thanks for sharing this report on Air Dolimiti! There aren't many reports out there on Air Dolimiti so it's nice to see--and the service seems really good for such a short flight. The snack is definitely above average, and the cabin appears to be comfortable, clean, and modern.
Very nice report and good cabin shots!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi KévinDC!
I agree with each word about the service.
Thanks for rate and response!