Review of Lufthansa flight from Porto to Munich in Economy


LH - Lufthansa

Flight taken on 31 July 2019
10:55 02h 45m 14:40
Model Airbus A320
Class Economy
Seat 24F
513 · 6 · 2 · 4


Security at the modern terminal of Porto Airport was well organized and rather quick.
Boarding to our Airbus 320 to Munich started with a delay of ca. 20 minutes due to a late arrival of the plane. 

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The cabin was rather full but I was lucky with an empty middle seat in the end. I had a nice window seat behind the wing with very good legroom. However you could see that this definitely was one of the older Airbus 320s Lufthansa owns - clearly visible by old style luggage bins and outdated toilet design.

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We took off with a delay of ca. 25 minutes into partly cloudy skies and made our way north climbing to cruising altitude.

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About 30 minutes after take off a trolley reached my row offering a choice of cheese or pastrami sandwich. I had the cheese one which was exactly the same version that I had 2 days before on my flight inbound to Porto. Come on Lufthansa: at least please offer different sandwiches on your inbound and outbound flights!! The sandwich tasted ok but nothing more. I had soem tea and coke with it once the drinks trolley reached my row ca. 15 minutes later.

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Also on this flight drinks refills were offered ca. 15 minutes later which is a ncie and welcome feature on a flight of 2 hours 20 minutes. Also on this Lufthansa flight the cabin crew was extremely friendly, polite and always smiling.

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The rest of the flight passed by quickly and soon we landed at a rainy Munich Airport where we parked on a remot bus position next to Lufthansa A321.

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Thanks for reading,

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Product ratings


Lufthansa 7.8

  • Cabin8.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew10.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi6.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering7.0 / 10
Departure airport

Porto - OPO8.5

  • Efficiency9.0 / 10
  • Access9.0 / 10
  • Services8.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness8.0 / 10
Arrival Airport

Munich - MUC8.0

  • Efficiency7.0 / 10
  • Access7.0 / 10
  • Services9.0 / 10
  • Cleanliness9.0 / 10


Again Lufthansa surprised me with a very friendly and always smiling cabin crew. However on a flight of more than 2 hours something more than a small packaged sandwich would be nice.

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