Review of El Al Israel Airlines flight from Barcelona to Tel Aviv in Economy


LY - El Al Israel Airlines

Flight taken on 17 October 2019
14:25 04h 05m 19:30
Class Economy
Seat 46K
3,226 · 75 · 3 · 8

Hello and welcome to my flight from Barcelona to Tel Aviv on EL AL's Boeing 747-400.
El Al is an Israeli Airline that operating flights from Tel Aviv to all around Europe, Asia, USA and Canada.
El Al removed all Boeing 747's from service.
October was the last month for El Al's Boeing 747-400 flights,on this month they operated all the flights for this type of aircraft just to BCN.

Todays flight we start at the metro station ''Espanya'', then we take to bus shuttle to El Prat airport.

Airport bus station:

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Barcelona El Prat airport terminal 1:

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On my way to passport and security control:

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Duty free: 

Our plane today: 
Reg: 4X-ELC.   

Business class:

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Previous Economy plus class:

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Economy class:

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View from my seat:

Taxi and take off: 

View of Barcelona: 

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Climbing to the cruise alltitude:

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Meal service has started, the choise was between root salad and corenbeef sandwich.
I chose the corenbeef that was disgusting, it was very salty. 

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Cruise altitude view:

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Each seat has his screen, the screen was a little bit small, some screens doesn't work so the crew gaved them Ipad for the flight

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Preparing for landing on Rwy 12:


Deboarding the aircraft:

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At the gate:

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Terminal 3 arrivals hall, on the way to passport control:


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Display all

Product ratings


El Al Israel Airlines 3.5

  • Cabin3.0 / 10
  • Cabin crew8.0 / 10
  • Entertainment/wifi1.0 / 10
  • Meal/catering2.0 / 10
Departure airport

Barcelona - BCN6.6

  • Efficiency6.0 / 10
  • Access8.5 / 10
  • Services4.5 / 10
  • Cleanliness7.5 / 10
Arrival Airport

Tel Aviv - TLV9.2

  • Efficiency9.0 / 10
  • Access8.5 / 10
  • Services9.5 / 10
  • Cleanliness10.0 / 10


On this flight wasn't any WIFI system, the entertainment was poor of movies.
The air condition worked very bad, it was hot in the plane, something know of this type of aircraft.
The crew was very kind and helpful!
I'm happy they took this type of plane of the company for the new Dreamliner.
After all, EL AL trying to be more modern and they need to get another chance to grow up with the new types of planes (B788/9) and the changing of the cabin of B738.

Thank you for watching my FR, wish everybody to take care during the Coronavirus, stay safe!

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ROY 's latest reviews

Comments (3)

  • Old? Yes. Outdated? Yes. Priceless experience in hindsight? Yes.

    What a privilege to have caught the Queen before her retirement, especially on a short route within "Europe". I'm sure the novelty would wear off quickly on a TLV-JFK flight, although the old school seating does look comfy. I was always intrigued at the El Al 747 at BCN - thanks for the insight!

  • Hey Roy,

    Thanks for writing such an experience on a plane that is soon retiring.

    Hope we see more efficient journeys in the future.

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