A visual of my entire journey from Salt Lake City to Krakow via ATL, JFK & ARN which would cover a total distance of 6,936mi.

Welcome back to another TR! I currently just got off a transatlantic flight on Delta from JFK where I'll me embarking on another short journey to Poland, Krakow to be exact. But don't worry, I will be spending some time here in the city of Stockholm on my return from Poland towards the end of this trip 😉.
What makes this trip that much exciting is that it will be my first time flying Ryanair, an ultra LCC. I've heard many people saying different things about flying this airline. Others have said they are the absolute worst and others say they are good for the service they offer. This time around I'll be able to try them out for myself and see how they really are.

My flight is FR 4633 with a scheduled departure time of 14:05

I had arrived into terminal 5 from my last flight and have already collected my bags and currently making my way to terminal 4 where Ryanair operates out of here in Arlanda airport.

Luckily terminal 5,4,3 and 2 are all interconnected planeside so there's no need to go outside to switch terminals.

After walking for some time I finally made it to T4 with no problem. For this flight I had bought a 'Plus' fare which includes 1 small bag, reserved seat, 20kg check-in bag and free airport check-in, all for 65 USD which is a bargain if you ask me.

The only inconvenience was that you couldn't drop off your bags until 2 hours before your flight while most other airlines allow up to 3 hours before your flight. Nonetheless I hung around at a nearby seating area until the two hour mark and made my way to the check-in desk and an agent processed everything.

Check-in went very smoothly and I proceeded down to security control.

Security was a breeze and I was airside in just 10 minutes.

Today we'll be departing out of gate C32.

Here we have a Brussels Airlines A319 departing for Brussels (BRU); flight time: 1h 48m

Norwegian Boeing 737-800

Very interesting that Ryanair agents are beginning the boarding process and scanning boarding passes even though our aircraft hasn't even arrived yet.

My aircraft
Here comes my Boeing 737 arriving from Krakow.

Today I'll be traveling on SP-RSN which was delivered new to Ryanair on September 2, 2017, making her a little over 6.5 years old at time of this flight.

This aircraft was eventually transferred to Buzz (Formerly Ryanair Sun) on Oct. 2019 meaning that this flight is operated by Buzz Airlines (plane and crew) on behalf for Ryanair.

This aircraft is configured in an all economy layout for a total capacity of 189 seats.

After scanning our boarding passes we were kept in this small area while the other passengers from the previous flight were deplaning. This makes sense especially for the short turnaround times these aircraft have.

Love the Ryanair style of boarding planes through air-stairs so you can better appreciate planes from these views despite the freezing temperature outside 😅.

Since I'm seated in the back of the plane, I got the privilege to walk and board the plane through the aft door.

Here's my seat for the next 1h 45m, 24F.

This seat also comes with a great view of the wing 😉.

The safety card and inflight buy-onboard menu is plastered behind the seat in front of you. I don't think I've personally seen this before any other airline I've flown on.

Legroom as expected is tight but not terrible. These seats offer 30" of pitch.

The overhead panel consisted of both an individual airvent and reading light in addition to a flight attendant call button.

Boarding is complete and today's flight load down to Krakow is fairly full at 80%.

We pushed back from the gate right on time and the crew began doing the manual safety demonstration. Inflight announcements were done in both English and Polish.

Takeoff on runway 19R

Bye Stockholm, we'll be back soon 😉.

We broke through the thick cloud layer into clear blue skies above.

The buy-onboard service began once we leveled off at cruising altitude but I decided to pass on that.

The only thing I could show you from this seat is the tray table which is of good size however not extendable.

The whole journey down to Krakow was cloudy with no views below.

Initial descent
This flight was so uneventful that I fell asleep and woke up to the announcement of our descent into Krakow.

The flight attendants began preparing the cabin for landing.

First views of the Polish country side.

Landing on runway 25

Welcome to Krakow, Poland 🇵🇱!

Never seen nor heard of this airline before but I'm assuming its from Ukraine based on the flag on it's tale. Where Krakow is geographically located we are very close to the border with Ukraine and could be that the aircraft is stored here to prevent damage due to the ongoing war.

Arrival at gate
We arrived at our remote stand 10 minutes ahead of schedule, well done Ryanair!

The weather here in Krakow is identical to where we left Stockholm, cloudy and cold.

One last look at the 737 that brought me here from Stockholm.

This concludes the TR, thanks for reading!