Avis du vol entre Mulhouse / Bâle et Frankfurt en classe Affaires avec Lufthansa CityLine


CL - Lufthansa CityLine

Vol effectué le 10 février 2022
07:00 01h 00m 08:00
Classe Affaires
Siege 02A
278 · 56 · 1 · 4

to start with

Together with a fellow french Flight-Report, Chevelan, we had decided to head to Alaska in December to see the northern lights. Unfortunately they weren't out, so we agreed to try our luck again in February this year but closer : to Tromsø

early wake up call

My father dropped me off at the airport:

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The hall 1 is empty no KL nor AF flights that morning:

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The FIDS starts to get colors again :)

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I went through security via the Swiss Side of the airport :

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Which was a breeze, I then headed to the duty free for some cigarettes for my family, being a long time ex- smoker :)

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And then to the lounge:

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My gate to be:

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Police controls are empty:

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skyview lounge

As usual the welcome was super nice, there was a limited offer of cold food, we were still in the middle of Omicron at that time:

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No cold cuts nor eggs :(

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I went quickly to the terrace, but it was really chilly outside:

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And that was not too much to see anyway :)

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Easyjet being de-iced:

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I went back inside to get some food:

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the flight

I left the gate at the moment my LH app notified me boarding started:

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And was the first to board :)

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The integrated stairs to the aircraft:

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7 business rows today meaning 14 seats and 12 J passengers, good LF LH :)

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First row:

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The pitch:

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Express Fret zone:

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As we took off, the sun started to rise:

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The breakfast was a dry muessli with milk, an apple and a cereal bar. I am not that fan of muessli and milk, but it was ok:

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Ready to eat?

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It did its job, the flight went on, smoothly:

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FRA in sight:

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And touched town:

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A HON Circle being picked up by van:

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The cabin bags were handed back at the bottom of the aircraft:

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A twin brother:

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And in the bus :)

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A330-300 Eurowings Discover:

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Arrived at the terminal, ready for my connecting flight:

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Tout afficher

Notes des produits

Compagnie aérienne

Lufthansa CityLine 7,3

  • Cabine7,0 / 10
  • Equipage7,0 / 10
  • Divertissements8,0 / 10
  • Restauration7,0 / 10

Skyview EuroAirport Lounge7,8

  • Confort10,0 / 10
  • Restauration5,0 / 10
  • Divertissements8,0 / 10
  • Services8,0 / 10
Aéroport de départ

Mulhouse / Bâle - EAP9,5

  • Fluidité10,0 / 10
  • Accès10,0 / 10
  • Services9,0 / 10
  • Propreté9,0 / 10
Aéroport d'arrivée

Frankfurt - FRA9,5

  • Fluidité9,0 / 10
  • Accès9,0 / 10
  • Services10,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10


An on time flight that did its job, not more, not less.

EAP and FRA were a breeze, and the lounge a good place to wait for my flight even if the breakfast offer was quite poor :(

Thanks for reading, next part is already online :)
A bientôt, as we say in French.

Cette lecture vous a plu ?

Faites le savoir à l'auteur en l'applaudissant, il vous en sera grandement reconnaissant.

4 Applaudir

Les derniers avis de Esteban

Commentaires (1)

  • LH Group so Business class on Regionals right with a blocked adjacent seat. It's a drawback of so many other European carriers that there's literally no difference in seats between J and Y on CRJ700/900/1000 and E170/190 type aircraft. Meal is ok considering how short the flight is.

    Thanks for sharing!

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