Avis du vol entre Oslo et Vienna en classe Affaires avec Austrian Airlines


OS - Austrian Airlines

Vol effectué le 13 février 2022
13:40 02h 20m 16:00
Appareil Embraer E-195
Classe Affaires
Siege 02F
848 · 110 · 1 · 4

bonus : fjellheisen cable car

On Saturday, since the weather was so lovely, we went up to Fjellheisen. The ride is super expensive, 260NOK (26€) just to climb to 450 meters …. ;) But once you are at the top you have the feeling to be on one of the highest Alps summit!

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Tromsdalen, and our lodge, on the right:

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The airport at the back:

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Tromsø, as I said in one of my former report, is on an island, and there is an impressive network of tunnels under the city to connect it to majors points, like the airport.

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The airport again:

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Next stop will be the Arctic Cathedral that you see here:

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But no way to go without a hot chocolate and a norvegian Kanelbulle:

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Heading down:

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Arctic cathedral

A wonderful church, even more beautiful with the sun setting:

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This picture is taken at 01:00PM:

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Always a good time to remember those who have gone :(

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A last look before going out:

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From the outside:

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And the sun is already setting:

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back to oslo

We had a quick look at the FIDS to locate our gate to VIE:

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E-Gates to go to the International zone. E Gates is a big word, since you just pass by, nobody checks anything not even your boarding pass.

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Duty Free:

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And to the lounge:

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sas lounge international

On the left there is the OSL lounge, I visited it last year. A nice place also.

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For us it was the SAS lounge, only the Gold side is open, everyone is welcomed:

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Some views:

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A very scandic design :)

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We sat here:

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The lavatories:

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The buffet:

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Two kind of soups:

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To go with:

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Snacks and Co:

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Pasta and more pasta:

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Cold cuts and cheeses:

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Our light selection:

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We didn't have that much time to spend in the lounge and after our drinks went to the gate:

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Cultural moment:

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the flight

Our aircraft is here, again in a Star Alliance livery :)

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Boarding starting soon:

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Pole position to board :)

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Our bird:

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E95 impossible to miss it :)

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The door:

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Another warm welcome later, here is the cabin:

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The pitch is good:

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Safety card:

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The BOB:

For those who didn't know it, free water is available but on request:

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My friend is seated at 1F and I was hoping to get the 2F to be behind him:

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And since the seat was empty I was allowed to move:

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SN & SK:

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Good by Norway:

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Oslo also received a fairly good amount of snow:

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The snack is served, while on the light side, it was absolutely delicious: small austrian pasta together with mushrooms:

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I really like the plates OS uses:

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The bread is served hot and I had a riesling together with the meal:

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A Bailey's together with a chocolate to conclude the snack:

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The winglet:

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And again, I felt asleep, to wake up as we started our descent :)

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And landed!

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My fellow traveller's seat:

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Paxbus to go to the terminal:

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And a few more views of our plane:

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A320 Lauda:

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A last look at our bird:

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Tout afficher

Notes des produits

Compagnie aérienne

Austrian Airlines 7,5

  • Cabine8,0 / 10
  • Equipage9,0 / 10
  • Divertissements5,0 / 10
  • Restauration8,0 / 10

SAS Business Lounge / SAS Scandinavian Lounge7,5

  • Confort9,0 / 10
  • Restauration7,0 / 10
  • Divertissements5,0 / 10
  • Services9,0 / 10
Aéroport de départ

Oslo - OSL8,8

  • Fluidité8,0 / 10
  • Accès8,0 / 10
  • Services9,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10
Aéroport d'arrivée

Vienna - VIE9,3

  • Fluidité7,0 / 10
  • Accès10,0 / 10
  • Services10,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10


A cool flight with OS, but sad to have no inflight entertainement whatsover. No WiFi, no USB, no magazine, nothing.

The cabin is pretty comfy, the crew lovely and the snack delicious0

Nothing special to say for OSL, VIE can be messy with pax bus transfers but this time was ok.

The lounge is OSL was nice, the food is adequate, nothing to say but also nothing to write a home about.

As usual thank you for reading this new series of translation!

Cette lecture vous a plu ?

Faites le savoir à l'auteur en l'applaudissant, il vous en sera grandement reconnaissant.

4 Applaudir

Les derniers avis de Esteban

Commentaires (1)

  • Wow, such gorgeous pictures of Tromso from above. Feels like a magical landscape from "Frozen"...I would feel like la Reine des Neiges up there ?

    The snack does look light for a 2h flight, but as always with OS, the presentation is lovely and it looks tasty!

    The *A livery looks really nice on this E195, especially with the beautiful bright red winglets.

    Thanks for sharing!

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