Trip Report : SYDNEY (SYD) - NADI (NAN) on Air Pacific (FJ)
Flight Details:
Airline: Air Pacific
Flight No. FJ 914
Reg : DQ-FJH "Island of Gau"
Aircraft: BOEING 737-800
Departure Sydney ( SYD ) : 0630 AM
Arrival Nadi ( NAN ) : 1125 AM
Time : 03h 55m
Distance : 3170 km or 1970 miles
Full Trip Video: Air Pacific DQ-FJH FJ914 SYD-NAN
Do watch and experience the trip. For those wanting to watch in parts, available in the report.
I was visiting friend's family in Fiji. Was going to travel extensively, hence left the DSLR home and took along Canon SX50HS. All photos taken with that camera.
Parramatta Night view
Flight was very early, asked a friend to drop at the airport.
Check-In and Immigration
I could not select seat while booking. At the check-in, I request a window seat. Had no issues with immigration and security headed towards the boarding area.
Seating area for restaurants.
Since this was my first trip to Fiji, was advised by friends that to have meal before boarding.
Car on display
Departure Schedule
Second departure for the day after the curfew is lifted.
Start of busy day at the airport.
Heading towards the gate
Preparing for flight back to Fiji
Boarding was called on time, Passport and Boarding pass was checked. Passengers mostly leisure travellers and Fijian nationals
Waiting for pushback
Window View
View after Departure
Sunrise colours
The crew was friendly.. Check the below video
Sunrise over the Pacific
Seat pocket content
Air Pacific Logo
Inflight Reading Material
Air Pacific Safety Card - Boeing 737-800
Safety Card
Window shade up due to strong light
Flying North early morning sun was very bright in March.
Cabin view
Inflight View
Air Pacific Network
Air Pacific Routes
Breakfast box
Breakfast content
Ready for disposing
Cabin View
Clearing the meals
Window View
Boeing 737-800 Winglet
Domestic route information
Inflight View
FJ fleet information
more details..
Regional fleet
Coastline of Island of Viti Levu, Fiji
Nadi town is on the main island of Fiji - Viti Levu
Approaching Nadi
Arriving in Nadi
At the Terminal
Domestic Flight
Passengers ready to disembark
IFE panel
Pacific Voyage (Economy) Class
Tabua (Business) Class
At the Gate
Way to Terminal
Immigration and Custom
After entering the immigration area, there was a group playing music. Immigration queue was short. I was asked by immigration officer purpose of visit in a friendly way. I answered his question in Hindi. Had my passport was stamped and said to enjoy the trip. I thanked him, headed to collect baggage. Since I had nothing to declare. Walked out of terminal to be picked by friends.
Drive to Nadi Town
End of Trip
thanks for this very complete FR!
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