Avis du vol entre Munich et Lübeck en classe Economique avec Lübeck Air


6I - Lübeck Air

Vol effectué le 18 août 2020
09:15 01h 40m 10:55
Appareil ATR 72-500
Classe Economique
Siege 6A
1,152 · 52 · 3 · 8

August 17th 2020:
That day was the first commercial flight of the new German airline Lübeck Air. The domestic flights are operated by the Danish airline Alsie Express, from Lübeck Air's base in Lübeck city. Destinations are Munich (2x/day) and Stuttgart (1x/day). Flights were already due to start in June 2020 but postponed to August 2020 due to the pandemic.

August 18th 2020:
Day that I chose to fly from Munich to Lübeck on the morning flight. I didn't want to fly on the evening flight since it takes place at night and Hamburg is my final destination, that I don't want to reach too late at night. This flight is part of my return trip from Greece.
Lübeck Air offers 3 different booking classes: Silver, Gold, Diamant. I paid 120 EUR  in Silver class, which is similar to Economy Class. I bought the ticket roughly a week before the flight.

Enchainement de vols

  • 1
    HAM-CFU / Condor Airlines / A320-200 / Economy
  • 2
    CFU-MUC / Condor Airlines / A320-200 / Economy
  • 3
    MUC-LBC / Lübeck Air operated by Alsie Express / ATR-72-500 / Economy

I tried to check in online the day before departure. However when entering my booking data it failed displaying a "Booking not found" message. I was a bit worried, but my booking was still confirmed in "manage my booking". 

The day before I was already at the airport since I flew back from Greece. I used this opportunity to go to the check-in agent of the Lübeck Air evening flight in order to see if it was possible to get my boarding pass. However the agent couldn't do it, but acknowledged that online check in was not available yet.

I stayed in a hotel near MUC airport and I arrived roughly 2:15 hours before the check-in's opening. I wanted to have enough possibilities to select my seat.
Lübeck Air wasn't added to the list of airlines operating at zone D yet. 

photo 20200818_070121

Zone D was still pretty empty at this time of the day. Nobody was waiting in front of me when the check-in agent arrived.

photo 20200818_070025

The employee printed my boarding pass which displays the destination as "Hamburg/LBC" although there are at least 50 km between both cities. I selected seat 6A. I don't have any luggage to check in. Every Lübeck Air's booking class includes a hold baggage.

photo z20200818_0725150

I have nothing else to do landside and decided to go airside. No waiting at the security check point.
The boarding area is quite empty and hardly any passengers. There are actually more airport staff than passengers in this area. One snack bar is open, but the rest is closed. It is possible to walk to other neighbouring boarding zones.

photo 20200818_073443

I was expecting our aircraft to arrive at a gate directly at the terminal however it was parked on a remote location behind the works on terminal 1's expansion. 
Boarding for my flight was done on time at gate D05 and was quick.

photo 20200818_073441

There was a bus waiting for us downstairs. We were 10 passengers to head to the aircraft.

photo 20200818_074528

After a short ride we were at the aircraft which is SE-MDB. It displays a swedish registration from its previous owners Golden Air and Braathens Regional Airlines.

photo 20200818_085126-89735photo 20200818_085130

That's a picture of the aircraft that I took the day before on the evening flight rotation.

photo zimg_8972

We had to wait at the bottom of the stairs.

photo 20200818_085201

The reason for that is that every passenger has to use hand sanitizer  (fixed at the entrance, no picture).

photo 20200818_085204

Afterwards each passenger receives a health kit (picture taken at my seat). The straw is less expected in a health kit!

photo 20200818_085540

The cabin of this ATR-72 has been modified from the usual 72 seats to 60 seats.

photo 20200818_085243photo 20200818_085309photo 20200818_085609

The headrest is fix.

photo 20200818_104245

The seat pitch is excellent due to a lower number of seats and not only at the emergency exits.

photo 20200818_085443

Not only there is room for one's legs but on the side too. For now all seats are blocked. 

photo 20200818_085404

The other side of the "blocked seat" card is sponsored by Lübeck Airport. This is the same logo on the aircraft's tail.

photo 20200818_090429

The PSU was adapted to fit each seat.

photo 20200818_095533

The top of the seat back contains the safety card.

photo 20200818_090901

Here is the safety card.

photo 20200818_095239photo 20200818_095301

What's this in the seat back net?

photo 20200818_092124

It's a sickness bag. 

photo 20200818_091943

The bag has graduations, in case someone wants to know precisely how much is inside!

photo 20200818_092001

There are also some instructions to use it.

photo 20200818_092055

We are ready for start and push back 15 minutes before our departure time. However we have to wait a little.

photo 20200818_090453

Finally, take off from the Southern runway.

photo 20200818_091647

Isar river.

photo 20200818_091758

A bit of rough air at the beginning of the flight.

photo 20200818_092602

Ingolstadt and Danube river.

photo 20200818_092739

At cruising altitude, an announcement was made for the meal which was free of charge and the selection of drinks was apparently limited. The tray table is not so large.

photo 20200818_093215

2 trolleys came from the back and I received a box that the flight attendant left on the right tray table. The selection of drinks was ranging from water to fruit juice. I didn't see any alcohol. 

photo 20200818_093231

I chose grape juice and I didn't get a glass with it. This is the reason why there was a straw in the health kit!

photo 20200818_093714

Inside the box there were cold snacks, in detail we have:

Pretzel roll with salami, another with cheese
Pie (broccoli?)  with Parma ham.
Fruit salad

Everything was good and fruits were not hard.

photo 20200818_093646photo 20200818_094358

There was a wooden fork for the fruit salad. No plastic packaging for the meal. As a matter of fact, limiting the use of plastics is one of Lübeck Air's focus as they state on their website: "And we are taking a brand new path in air travel, doing without plastic and packaging wherever possible - showing that it can be done."

photo 20200818_094638

The flight attendant collected boxes. I was not done yet and she came back shortly after.

Descending towards LBC. Flying over Schaalsee. 

photo 20200818_102907

Once landing at LBC we were welcomed by many ground staff. We had to wait in the plane to leave one after another.

photo 20200818_104426

A few luggage were unloaded from the front hold of the plane.

photo zimg_0920-55904

No IFE was available on the flight, thus here is the Flightradar24 flight path.

photo z6i7441-1

The terminal is not big but still brand new.  
There was no commercial flights in this airport since 2016. It used to be called Hamburg Lübeck and was a secondary airport for Hamburg used by Ryanair and Wizzair. Now these airlines fly directly from Hamburg's main airport.

photo 20200818_104619

A small door and we are already inside the baggage claim area. It's brand new and looks like a storage area.  I left this area quickly since I had no checked in luggage.

photo 20200818_104720

Some works are still ongoing in the terminal. Each individual ladies room has a sink and there is an unfinished wall.

photo 20200818_114021

In the terminal there are a restaurant (open), a store (closed) and an ATM. 

The Check-in area is quiet for now. The next flight is to Stuttgart leaving at 1:00pm.

photo 20200818_104857

I left the terminal, the car park is directly in front of the terminal. 

photo 20200818_105336

Unfortunately the observation deck built over the terminal was closed during my visit.

photo 20200818_114129

A train station stop is a few minutes away by walk.

photo 20200818_115147

I was waiting in the area is order to take a picture of the aircraft flying to STR.

photo zimg_8982

Afterwards I headed to the airport bus stop, which is located in the main street. 

photo 20200818_114710

The bus to the city centre runs every 30 minutes and costs 3.30 EUR. I didn't spend a lot of time in the city but it looked nice.

photo 20200818_132221
Tout afficher

Notes des produits

Compagnie aérienne

Lübeck Air 8,5

  • Cabine10,0 / 10
  • Equipage9,0 / 10
  • Divertissements6,0 / 10
  • Restauration9,0 / 10
Aéroport de départ

Munich - MUC8,5

  • Fluidité10,0 / 10
  • Accès8,0 / 10
  • Services6,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10
Aéroport d'arrivée

Lübeck - LBC9,0

  • Fluidité10,0 / 10
  • Accès9,0 / 10
  • Services7,0 / 10
  • Propreté10,0 / 10


My experience with this new German airline turned out to be a good one.
The cabin was great with a lot of space due to its lower seat configuration than in the usual ATR-72. The aircraft was only at it's second day of operations with the airline and was in good shape. I had a few good interactions with the flight attendants. No real entertainment available except one or even two windows to enjoy the nice views outside. The cold snack was included in the ticket's price and generally in all booking classes. Good as well and quite fresh.
As a nutshell Lübeck Air offers a good product in Silver/Economy. I don't think that would urge future clients to book their Business product. It seems like the tickets for Silver class start at 98 EUR. The flight left and arrived on time.

MUC airport was quiet and clean. It is located far from the city centre, but there are a few possibilities to go there. Not many shops open, but at least the ones open were for food.

LBC airport was not completely finished yet. A food shop was open and there were the usual equipment expected in a small regional airport.

Cette lecture vous a plu ?

Faites le savoir à l'auteur en l'applaudissant, il vous en sera grandement reconnaissant.

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Les derniers avis de EuroAirport68

Commentaires (3)

  • Wow, I wasn't expecting an ATR 72-500 cabin to be so nice inside! Very impressive legroom with only 60 seats and the meal service is very impressive for a short flight. And if I understand correctly, this is typical food service, not just because it was the first day of operations? It's basically a short-haul business class product without the blocked adjacent seat...granted, not many European carriers block the adjacent on a/c with 2-2 configurations. Very impressive, thanks so much for sharing! Beautiful photos as always

  • Thanks for this nice FR.

    Very high level of service for economy class and nice looking plane & cabin.

    Hope this venture is succesful and there are more than 10 passengers on avreage on their flights.

  • Looks like a quality operation! Hopefully it is sustainable..

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