Passenger reviews on Bucharest OTP airport

grey stars
gold stars
129 reviews

The Henri Coandă (IATA code OTP) airport is located in Bucharest. Travellers rate it 7.5/10 on average, indicating very good service. This rating is comparable when compared to the average rating of other airports. Over the last 12 months, the average rating has been stable.

Country : Romania

Local time:


  • Overall, Henri Coandă airport is unpopular by travelers.

Lounges at Bucharest (OTP)

Average rating

  • Efficiency
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Access
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Services
    grey stars
    gold stars
  • Cleanliness
    grey stars
    gold stars

Frequent travelers

Destination map

Latest passenger reviews

Routes to and from Bucharest - OTP

Bucharest - OTP Departures Bucharest - OTP Arrivals
OTP - TLV Flights between Bucharest and Tel Aviv
OTP - BVA Flights between Bucharest and Beauvais
OTP - CDG Flights between Bucharest and Paris
OTP - AMS Flights between Bucharest and Amsterdam
OTP - FRA Flights between Bucharest and Frankfurt
OTP - TSR Flights between Bucharest and Timişoara
OTP - CLJ Flights between Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca
TLV - OTP Flights between Tel Aviv and Bucharest
CDG - OTP Flights between Paris and Bucharest
AMS - OTP Flights between Amsterdam and Bucharest
MAD - OTP Flights between Madrid and Bucharest
TBS - OTP Flights between Tbilisi and Bucharest
TSR - OTP Flights between Timişoara and Bucharest
VIE - OTP Flights between Vienna and Bucharest
BEY - OTP Flights between Beirut and Bucharest
CLJ - OTP Flights between Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest

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