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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my first tripreport!
Today, I am going to fly to Barcelona and spend there one week.
As I wanted to try Business Class one time, I thought, this would be the right opportunity.
I arrived at MUC Airport early in the morning because I really wanted to visit Lufthansa's Business lounges. Check-in at the separate Business Class desk and the security check were very fast.

This is the Business lounge of Terminal 2's main building. They offer breakfast in the morning and a large amount of beverages. All in all, it was quite ok.

In 2016, the new Terminal 2 Satellite was oped. As my flight departs there, I got there by this train.

This is the lounge in the satellite building. It was quieter, but you cannont really see the planes outside. The offering is nearly the same as in the first lounge.

Ready for boarding!

Our plane: D-AIRA (Finkenwerder)

The seat is the same as in economy, but with a blocked middle seat. If you seat on 1A/C or 2D/F on Lufthansa's A321, it is quite comfortable.

Take off!

City of Munich

The Alps

The pre-ordered vegetarian meal is fresh and delicious. As drink, I ordered tea and apple juice, wich I could put on the small table between the seats.

Seat pocket content:

We are flying over Milan…

…and Marseille with its airport.

Due to the traffic in BCN, we are flying over Catalonia…

…and finally land (in south-north direction)!

Take off of a Delta plane.

Barcelona Airport

Between city centre and airport are many and cheap public transport connections.
Thank you for reading! Please leave feedback in the comments down below.
Here, you find a FR about the return flight!
Thank you for sharing and welcome!
This is the lounge in the satellite building. It was quieter, but you cannont really see the planes outside.
- The seating looked comfortable, though maybe you can explain a bit more on the offerings available that morning?
The meal is fresh and delicious.
- But the lemon didn't seem to look so. Did they offer any other option as well? How about the drink options available? I couldn't see any drink on the meal tray, which seemed a bit unusual.
Loved the views on summer, though, so that makes for a great start.
Thank you - looking forward to seeing more such reports! :D
Thank you so much for your feedback! I will try to realize your tips.
Best regards!
Nice report... :)
Hi Simply-Travel, thanks for posting your first report here and welcome to Flight-Report.com! Being used to larger seats in the Premium cabin in the U.S., I have a hard time with Euro Business class. While Euro biz usually has a better soft product that U.S. domestic First/Business, which indeed seems to be the case here, with decent catering and lounge access, the hard product leaves a lot to be desired. The LH NEK seats just look so thin and uncomfortable, though admittedly I've never tried them, only the similar non-reclining AF short-haul version, a.k.a "planches à repasser", and the slightly thicker, though hard, BA Club Europe seats.
I hear the LH seats aren't bad. I guess the thinness just makes them appear uncomfortable. Glad you enjoyed you flight.
They look thin and uncomfortable, but they aren't. I don't know if it was the happiness being in Business Class or the duration of "only" two hours, but I like them. Best regards!
Hallo Simply-Travel. Herzlich willkommen!
Das klingt nach Deutschland!! XDD
Das ist Musik in meinen Ohren! Ich suche immer Möglichkeiten, Geld zu sparen, wenn ich Urlaub mache.
Sehr schöne Bilder aus dem Flugzeug!
Darauf freue ich mich sehr!
Vielen Dank für dieses flight-report geteilt zu haben!
(Und entschuldige mein schlechtes Deutsch)
Great first flight-report... thanks for sharing.
Euro-J is always a bit of a head-scratcher to me, as a North American flyer. I hope they don't charge for shorthaul narrowbody business like AC likes to charge for shorthaul narrowbody business. But then, the catering and other service issues always look pretty good by comparison to North American J. I guess one doesn't need a full-size seat when most flights are under four hours. But it's still nice. ;-)
I enjoyed the "fresh eyes" since it as your first flight in business class. The excitement of it shone through in your report. Some great sighting en route as well.
I flew the reverse of this route with LH a few years ago -- although I was confined to the back of the plane. And it was after getting up at 04:00. After going to bed at 01:00. I don't remember a lot about that flight. But I made my connection to AC back home. So that was good.
Thanks again!